
Intermediate Python

Python is an amazing language with a strong and friendly community of programmers. However, there is a lack of documentation on what to learn after getting the basics ...

Python is an amazing language with a strong and friendly community of programmers. However, there is a lack of documentation on what to learn after getting the basics of Python down your throat. Through this book I aim to solve this problem. I will give you bits of information about some interesting topics which you can further explore.

The topics which are discussed in this book will open your mind to some nice corners of Python language. This book is an outcome of my desire to have something like this when I was beginning to learn Python.

If you are a beginner, intermediate or even an advanced programmer there is something for you in this book.

Please note that this book is not a tutorial and does not teach you Python. The topics are not explained in-depth and only the minimum required information is given.

I am sure you are as excited as I am. So, let’s start!

Note: This book is a work in progress. If you find anything which you can further improve (I know you will find a lot of stuff) then kindly submit a pull request. 🙂

Moreover, if you want to add more content to this book then kindly submit a pull request and I will be more than happy to merge it. 👍


Shell 编程范例
不同于传统 Shell 书籍,本书并未花大篇幅去介绍 Shell 语法,而是以面向“对象” 的方式引入大量的实例介绍 Shell 日常操作,“对象” 涵盖数值、逻辑值、字符串、文件、进程、文件系统等。这样有助于学以致用,并在用的过程中提高兴趣。也可以作为 Shell 编程索引,在需要的时候随时检索。
这本书是 The Hacker Playbook 的第三版,通常我们也说它是红队版。因为本书是以红蓝对抗中红队的视角来撰写的
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