
Pro Git, Second Edition

The entire Pro Git book, written by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub and published by Apress, is available here. All content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribut...

  • 作者
  • 出版社
  • 发行日期2021-07
  • 标签

= Pro Git, Second Edition

Welcome to the second edition of the Pro Git book.

You can find this book online at: https://git-scm.com/book

Like the first edition, the second edition of Pro Git is open source under a Creative Commons license.

A couple of things have changed since open sourcing the first edition.
For one, we’ve moved from Markdown to the amazing AsciiDoc format for the text of the book; here’s an https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoc/latest/syntax-quick-reference/[AsciiDoc quick reference].

We’ve also moved to keeping the translations in separate repositories rather than subdirectories of the English repository.
See link:TRANSLATING.md[the translating document] for more information.

== How To Generate the Book

You can generate the e-book files manually with Asciidoctor.
If you run the following you may actually get HTML, Epub, Mobi and PDF output files:

$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake book:build
Converting to HTML…
— HTML output at progit.html
Converting to EPub…
— Epub output at progit.epub
Converting to Mobi (kf8)…
— Mobi output at progit.mobi
Converting to PDF…
— PDF output at progit.pdf

You can generate just one of the supported formats (HTML, EPUB, mobi, or PDF).
Use one of the following commands:

To generate the HTML book:

$ bundle exec rake book:build_html

To generate the EPUB book:

$ bundle exec rake book:build_epub

To generate the mobi book:

$ bundle exec rake book:build_mobi

To generate the PDF book:

$ bundle exec rake book:build_pdf

== Signaling an Issue

Before signaling an issue, please check that there isn’t already a similar one in the bug tracking system.

Also, if this issue has been spotted on the git-scm.com site, please cross-check that it is still present in this repo.
The issue may have already been corrected, but the changes have not been deployed yet.

== Contributing

If you’d like to help out by making a change, take a look at the link:CONTRIBUTING.md[contributor’s guide].


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